Aries stands for Artificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability and it’s an AI research platform and live project, placing the latest scientific advances in a simple, visual language at the fingertips of farmers by integrating ecological, agronomic and economic data, using open-source software.
In this video, the research wanted to focus on crop productivity and how it can be increased by improving wild pollinators’ numbers, in order to provide a stable food supply with no additional environmental harm.
Aries is working to accelerate the process of converting scientific knowledge in a more easy-to-understand language, in order to achieve the growing global demand for sustainable agricultural production. How? Making scientists and farmers collaborate and working together.
The challenge for us was to have a different style, keeping a “classic” color palette, yet nice and fresh. We displayed the scenes into little boxes, creating a varied story narrative and playing with some unexpected elements and movements.
The nature and tech topic is non-invasive, because we wanted to get a smooth and soft effect both on animations and the overall context.
Creative director
Riccardo Albertini
Federica Amico
Andrea Nobis, Andrea Folini, Riccardo Albertini, Marco de Vecchi, Valentina Piccoli, Paola Sorrentino