
We joined Dude in this incredibile animated intro for eBay Women’s Serie A soccer league, where professional female players, their values and their passion are supported by eBay and the FIGC.

eBay is the new title sponsor for the Women’s Serie A soccer league, with a great goal in mind: recognizing the role of women in sports and committing in terms of inclusion and female empowerment.

The movement

The evening comes and the spotlight is on Yara, our football player, who guides us through the busy city streets to the center of the field. People love stories and the world of women’s football is exciting. Dribbling after dribbling the viewer is more and more engaged in this story.

The eBay’s colors enter the field with a brand new look. After some exploration, looking for a dynamic and cinematic style, we found a perfect solution.Sharp shadows and characters, extreme perspectives, street lamps and traffic lights creating colorful light effects.

Without further ado, let’s make styleframes talk for us.

Animation players

eBay is an e-commerce that puts people first and we’re all in! When we create the characters, we like to dig deep in order to choose unique features, passions and hobbies for each one of them, especially for this project.

Through animation we make their personality pop up, so we opted for a frame by frame animation to better work on dynamic and fluid movements.

In the stadium

The whole video was meant to focus on the pivotal moment of the arrival to the stadium. All the people following the football player got to the stadium together in a collective movement.
Her passion bonds people together, supporting this enthralling sport.


We talked about the different tests we made on the style and look-and-feel. Well, here’s a little gallery with some explorations because, even if they weren’t chosen, they have a great energy.



Creative director
Riccardo Albertini, Filippo Martinelli
Laura tomelleri, Eleonora Giuffrida, Riccardo Pagano
Pasquale Garibaldi, Federica Amico
Riccardo Pagano, Laura Tomelleri, Eleonora Giuffrida, Federica Rotoloni, Pedram, Annamaria Gentili, Javier Delestal, Arianna Mancini, Gaston Herrera
Andrea Nobis, Filippo Martinelli, Riccardo Albertini
Music and Sound FX
Production company

Let’s start a movement
Serie A Women intro